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Damián Ortega


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Amidst quarantines and lockdowns, Damián Ortega (1967, Mexico City, Mexico) hosted a paranormal masquerade. Invited were a Philanthropic Ogre, a Sweet Rodent, a Freak Brother, Fertility Ghost, Giacometti Dumpling, Acupuncturista, a Tango Singer, and Self Employed Pig, others too: a strange gang fashioned of bottle caps, tangles of string, tortillas, gourd shells, cactus leaves, and coins—whatever Ortega could find around the house. Masks welcomes you to join the ball, gathering one-hundred such disguises alongside essays by Luigi Amara.

208 PP / 207 × 276 MM / 1000 COPIES / English & Spanish

ISBN: 979-8-9860930-2-4

“Sometime in 2022, with the pandemic in its second year, I felt the need to find a more immediate and personal art.”